Breast Surgery

This is a surgical procedure designed to enhance the size and shape of small or sagging breasts, creating a beautiful and proportional appearance tailored to each individual’s body type. Breast augmentation often addresses cases where the breasts appear disproportionately small or sagging. By using implants, this procedure achieves a natural-looking and aesthetically pleasing breast contour. 


Breast Augmentation: Who Should Consider It?

If deep nasolabial folds make your face look sunken.
If the area around the nose appears recessed, making the mouth seem protruded.
If nasolabial or perioral wrinkles give the impression of a protruding mouth.
If nasolabial folds appear prominently deep.


Breast Augmentation: Who Should Consider It?

   If a lack of breast volume affects your confidence.

   If clothes don’t fit or flatter your body as you’d like.

   If there is an imbalance between your upper and lower body proportions.

   If breast shape has changed due to weight loss, pregnancy, or childbirth.


· Location
2nd Floor, 843 Seolleung-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

· Clinic Hours 
Monday to Friday
AM 10:00 ~ PM 19:00

AM 10:00 ~ PM 17:00

Closed: Sundays and Public Holidays

· Lunch time
Monday to Friday
PM 13:00 ~ PM 14:00

PM 14:00 ~ PM 15:00

· Contact Us by Phone 

Address: 2nd Floor, 843 Seolleung-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul ㅣ Representative: Dr. Jeon Kyung Wook

Business Registration Number: 211-09-99668 ㅣ Phone: +82-2-543-4364 ㅣ Fax: +82-2-518-5463

COPYRIGHT ⓒ The Bidan Plastic Surgery Clinic.  ALLRIGHT RESERVED.