Refined Noblesse Surgery

Noblesse surgery is a facial procedure designed to rejuvenate and harmonize the midface, specifically targeting the area below the nose where the maxilla may appear sunken or deep nasolabial folds are present. By adding volume to the nasolabial area, this procedure creates a softer, more youthful appearance and lends an air of elegance, hence the name. Customized implants are tailored to each individual's features, ensuring more natural and aesthetically pleasing results.


Who Should Consider Noblesse Surgery?

If deep nasolabial folds make your face look sunken.
If the area around the nose appears recessed, making the mouth seem protruded.
If nasolabial or perioral wrinkles give the impression of a protruding mouth.
If nasolabial folds appear prominently deep.


Who Should Consider Noblesse Surgery?

   If deep nasolabial folds make your face look sunken.

   If the area around the nose appears recessed, making the mouth seem protruded.

   If nasolabial or perioral wrinkles give the impression of a protruding mouth.

   If nasolabial folds appear prominently deep.

Firm and Elastic Double Chin with AccuSculpt

AccuSculpt is a cutting-edge fat dissolution procedure utilizing the AccuSculpt laser,

which is optimized for precise fat reduction. This minimally invasive treatment effectively contours the jawline,

addressing stubborn fat deposits for a sleeker and more youthful profile.


Who Should Consider AccuSculpt? 

If you are concerned about a double chin or lack of jawline definition.
If your double chin persists even after weight loss.
If a double chin gives the impression of weight gain despite having a slim body.
If you want to reduce signs of aging in the jawline area.


Who Should Consider AccuSculpt?

   If you are concerned about a double chin or lack of jawline definition.

   If your double chin persists even after weight loss.

   If a double chin gives the impression of weight gain despite having a slim body.

   If you want to reduce signs of aging in the jawline area.

Long-Lasting Facial Fat Grafting 

As we age, sagging cheeks and hollowed fat tissues can make the face appear older.

Facial fat grafting is a procedure that replenishes lost volume, restoring a youthful and vibrant appearance. 


Who Should Consider Facial Fat Grafting?

If your forehead is flat or uneven.
If your eyelids or under-eye area appear hollow.
If loss of cheek volume makes you look older.
If deep nasolabial folds are a concern.


Who Should Consider Facial Fat Grafting?

   If your forehead is flat or uneven.

   If your eyelids or under-eye area appear hollow.

   If loss of cheek volume makes you look older.

   If deep nasolabial folds are a concern.

Quick Zygoma Reduction for a Slimmer Face 

Quick Zygoma Reduction is a recommended surgical procedure for individuals with prominent lateral cheekbones that make their face appear larger. This minimally invasive surgery involves a small incision of just 1 cm in front of the ear, resulting in a shorter operation and recovery time.


Who Should Consider Quick Zygoma Reduction? 

 If protruding cheekbones disrupt facial harmony and make the face look flat overall.
If prominent cheekbones create the appearance of a wider face.
If protruding cheekbones give a strong or masculine impression to the facial contour.


Who Should Consider Quick Zygoma Reduction?

   If protruding cheekbones disrupt facial harmony and make the face look flat overall.

   If prominent cheekbones create the appearance of a wider face.  

   If protruding cheekbones give a strong or masculine impression to the facial contour.   

Seamless Jawline Contouring Behind the Ear 

Behind-the-Ear Square Jaw Reduction is a contouring surgery that retains the benefits of traditional jaw reduction

while minimizing visible scarring. This procedure involves a simple 2 cm incision

behind the ear, quickly refining the jawline for a smoother, more balanced appearance. 


Who Should Consider Behind-the-Ear Square Jaw Reduction? 

If a square jawline gives off a strong or harsh impression.
If the jaw appears wide when viewed from the front.
If a combination of jawbone and muscle development makes the face appear larger.


Who Should Consider Behind-the-Ear Square Jaw Reduction?

   If a square jawline gives off a strong or harsh impression.  

   If the jaw appears wide when viewed from the front.

   If a combination of jawbone and muscle development makes the face appear larger.


· Location
2nd Floor, 843 Seolleung-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

· Clinic Hours 
Monday to Friday
AM 10:00 ~ PM 19:00

AM 10:00 ~ PM 17:00

Closed: Sundays and Public Holidays

· Lunch time
Monday to Friday
PM 13:00 ~ PM 14:00

PM 14:00 ~ PM 15:00

· Contact Us by Phone 

Address: 2nd Floor, 843 Seolleung-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul ㅣ Representative: Dr. Jeon Kyung Wook

Business Registration Number: 211-09-99668 ㅣ Phone: +82-2-543-4364 ㅣ Fax: +82-2-518-5463

COPYRIGHT ⓒ The Bidan Plastic Surgery Clinic.  ALLRIGHT RESERVED.