Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon 

Chun, Kyung Wook MD PhD


Doctor of Medicine (Ph.D.) in Plastic Surgery, Korea University Graduate School

Master of Medicine in Plastic Surgery, Korea University Graduate School

Bachelor of Medicine, Korea University College of Medicine


Lead Director, The Bidan Plastic Surgery Clinic

Adjunct Professor, Korea University College of Medicine

Director, Beautiful Mind Foundation

Director, Korean Association of Short Stature Disability

Lifetime Member, Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons

Professor, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore

Professor, Korea University College of Medicine

Professor, DankookUniversity College of Medicine

Secretary General, Korean Society for Surgery of the Hand

Information and Communications Director, Korean Wound Management Society

Auditor, Korean Society for Microsurgery

Secretary General, Korean Society for Microsurgery


Subspecialist in Hand Surgery

Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon


2021: Commendation from the Minister of Health and Welfare

2016: Chairman’s Award, Legislation and Judiciary Committee, National Assembly of Korea

2009: Contribution Award, Korean Society for Surgery of the Hand

2008: Outstanding Presentation Award, Korean Wound Management Society

2006: Contribution Award, Korean Society for Microsurgery

The Bidan Plastic Surgery Clinic 
Curious about the philosophy and expertise
of Dr. Jeon Kyung Wook, Lead Director
of The Bidan Plastic Surgery Clinic? 


· Location
2nd Floor, 843 Seolleung-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

· Clinic Hours 
Monday to Friday
AM 10:00 ~ PM 19:00

AM 10:00 ~ PM 17:00

Closed: Sundays and Public Holidays

· Lunch time
Monday to Friday
PM 13:00 ~ PM 14:00

PM 14:00 ~ PM 15:00

· Contact Us by Phone 

Address: 2nd Floor, 843 Seolleung-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul ㅣ Representative: Dr. Jeon Kyung Wook

Business Registration Number: 211-09-99668 ㅣ Phone: +82-2-543-4364 ㅣ Fax: +82-2-518-5463

COPYRIGHT ⓒ The Bidan Plastic Surgery Clinic.  ALLRIGHT RESERVED.