3D Rhinoplasty 

A procedure that harmoniously designs the nose to suit the individual's facial structure and balance,

followed by the insertion of an implant. This rhinoplasty is ideal for individuals with a low, short, bulbous, or drooping nose.

The surgery includes nasal tip refinement, creating a defined nose bridge and enhancing facial dimension for a more sculpted look. 

Hump Nose Correction 

This procedure smoothens a protruding nasal bridge by reshaping the hump, resulting in a sleek and even nasal profile.

Refined Nasal Alar Reduction 

A surgery designed for those with wide, flared nostrils or large nasal bases.

This procedure narrows the nostrils and refines the nose shape, creating a more sophisticated and balanced appearance.


· Location
2nd Floor, 843 Seolleung-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

· Clinic Hours 
Monday to Friday
AM 10:00 ~ PM 19:00

AM 10:00 ~ PM 17:00

Closed: Sundays and Public Holidays

· Lunch time
Monday to Friday
PM 13:00 ~ PM 14:00

PM 14:00 ~ PM 15:00

· Contact Us by Phone 

Address: 2nd Floor, 843 Seolleung-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul ㅣ Representative: Dr. Jeon Kyung Wook

Business Registration Number: 211-09-99668 ㅣ Phone: +82-2-543-4364 ㅣ Fax: +82-2-518-5463

COPYRIGHT ⓒ The Bidan Plastic Surgery Clinic.  ALLRIGHT RESERVED.