V-Line Lifting 

This is a non-surgical procedure that uses biocompatible threads to achieve a lifting effect by inserting them between the dermis and subcutaneous fat layers. As the threads dissolve over time, they stimulate enhanced collagen production, resulting in firmer and more youthful skin. 

PLLA (Poly-L-Lactic Acid) threads are renowned for their excellent collagen-boosting properties and strong anchoring capability within the skin. Made of the same material as the well-known collagen filler Sculptra, these threads help reorganize skin tissues, improving elasticity and reducing sagging for a smoother, more lifted appearance. 

This non-surgical procedure uses non-absorbable threads to improve skin sagging effectively. By lifting the deeper soft tissues of the skin, it delivers immediate results while simultaneously stimulating collagen production. This process supports skin regeneration and enhances elasticity over time. 

This method provides a powerful lifting effect. Unlike traditional thread lifting, which typically lasts about one year, the use of non-absorbable threads ensures results that last 4 to 5 years or longer. 


V-Line Lifting: Recommended for the Following Individuals 

When skin sags and loses elasticity due to age and the effects of gravity.
For those who want to enhance their facial contours using non-invasive methods without incisions or surgery.
For individuals seeking to reduce sagging or wrinkles in the cheek area for a more youthful and vibrant appearance.


V-Line Lifting: Recommended for the Following Individuals

   When skin sags and loses elasticity due to age and the effects of gravity.

   For those who want to enhance their facial contours using non-invasive methods without incisions or surgery.

   For individuals seeking to reduce sagging or wrinkles in the cheek area for a more youthful and vibrant appearance.


· Location
2nd Floor, 843 Seolleung-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

· Clinic Hours 
Monday to Friday
AM 10:00 ~ PM 19:00

AM 10:00 ~ PM 17:00

Closed: Sundays and Public Holidays

· Lunch time
Monday to Friday
PM 13:00 ~ PM 14:00

PM 14:00 ~ PM 15:00

· Contact Us by Phone 

Address: 2nd Floor, 843 Seolleung-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul ㅣ Representative: Dr. Jeon Kyung Wook

Business Registration Number: 211-09-99668 ㅣ Phone: +82-2-543-4364 ㅣ Fax: +82-2-518-5463

COPYRIGHT ⓒ The Bidan Plastic Surgery Clinic.  ALLRIGHT RESERVED.